Shipping within European Union
International Shipping
International orders are shipped from Spain with UPS, Seur or Correos.
Orders placed on Saturday & Sunday will be dispatched on Monday.
Delivery takes approx 3-14 business days, depending on your location. Delivery times during holidays and to remote areas may take a little longer.
For a smooth delivery process, please add a local phone number to your order. For example; for a USA delivery, add a USA phone number.
If you need your order by a certain date, please add a note to your order to advise the date you need it by. Alternatively, you may email us your full address and the expected delivery date to and we will do our best to accommodate you.
If there are any delays to your order dispatch, you will be informed via email. Please make sure you add an active email address or WhatsApp number to your order.
Once your order has been dispatched, it is NOT possible to edit or cancel your order.
If you choose to release the Signature option on your delivery and instruct the courier to leave a parcel unattended, we are not responsible for a lost/stolen parcel.
If there is an issue with your delivery, please contact your local delivery office as soon as possible to report the issue.
Please double check the delivery address, phone number and email address details on your order and make sure that someone will be at home to receive your parcel (especially if you will be out of town).
Import Duties
Many countries in Middle East, South and North America charge import duty/tax on all shipments from overseas. UK & Canada also.
You, the importer, are responsible for payment of import taxes to your country.
Please shop wisely before you purchase.
Bali Living does not calculate or collect import duties.
Bali Living is not responsible for any import duties payable.
Unfortunately, we are unable to confirm actual customs fees as each country has its own rules and regulation regarding importing goods and these may change at any time. Please contact your local customs/tax office for more details.
If you refuse to pay the duties and refuse your shipment, all import duties payable to receive the shipment back to our office in Spain will be deducted from any refund available.
Lost / Stolen Shipments
In the rare event that your parcel is lost or stolen, we require you, the customer, to lodge an investigation via UPS/Seur and we will also do the same from our end.
We are not responsible for lost/stolen parcels that were delivered while you were on vacation. You are responsible for making sure that someone is home to receive your parcel or for arranging an alternative delivery option in your absence.